Breaking the Cycle of Addiction, One Life at a Time

Whether you have suffered with addiction yourself; have watched helplessly as loved ones’ lives unraveled'; or have witnessed the ravages on our community’s economy, no one is untouched. However, we are blessed to have an answer - one we know works - and you now have an opportunity to play your part in ensuring we share this answer with as many people as possible.

With a campaign goal of $13 million, together, we will invest in our people, enhance our programs, improve our facilities, and secure our long-term future. In doing so, Lifeline Recovery Center will restore our clients to full health, serving their complete spiritual, mental, and physical needs.


People & Programs – $3M

Lifeline is fully committed to reducing the client to staff ratio and enhancing program services by growing and retaining talented staff members and providing employee benefits.

Men’s Campus – $1.4M

The new 45-acre men’s campus has expanded transitional housing and greatly enhanced facilities for clients and staff members.

Women’s Campus – $5.6M

Our new 45-acre women’s campus will revolutionize how we reach women including new construction for a new chapel, transitional housing, intake center, classrooms and more.

Operating Endowment – $3M

A $3M operating endowment will provide a bright future for Lifeline through an annual draw of roughly $120,000 or more to be used for stewarding our facilities .


Campaign Public Launch Video





Your generosity will help others become whole. Through your charitable gifts, you will be living your faith and improving your community.


You can make an outright gift of cash, or pledge your support. Pledges can extend three years, and donations may be eligible for tax deductions.

Gifts of Stock

Stock, or other appreciated assets, may qualify for a charitable tax deduction. If the stock has appreciated in value, you may avoid paying capital gains upon transferring it to Lifeline.

Planned Gifts

You can create a meaningful Lifeline legacy through a planned gift. Planned giving options include bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, life insurance policies, retirement plans, or other arrangements.

Qualified Charitable Distribution

Individuals who are 70 1/2 and older can donate a maximum of

$100,000 to Lifeline directly from a taxable IRA, instead of taking their required minimum distributions.


please contact: Ashley Miller, Executive Director


Phone 270-443-4743

Lifeline Leadership

Board of Directors

Steve Powless, Chair

Ashley Miller, Executive Director

Dr. Jeffrey Taylor, Treasurer

Rev. Dr. Bernice Belt, Secretary

David Bailey

Carla Berry

Dr. Casey Brantley

Tony Copeland

Missy Eckenberg

Terry Haas

Robert Hill

Ken Hunt

Bonnie Schrock

Todd Trimble



Campaign Committee Members

Steve Powless, Co-Chair

Missy Eckenberg, Co-Chair

Carla Berry

Jamey Brown

Terry Haas

Jeff Holland

Kenny Hunt

Bill Jones

Marty Nichols

Terrye Peeler

Todd Trimble

Honorary Members

Doreen and Bruce Hahn

Vivian and John Williams, Sr.