Community Testimonies
Community leaders have witnessed the life-changing impact Lifeline Recovery Center’s programs have on individuals. They are proud to see program graduates turn their lives around and make positive impacts in their communities.
Addiction is a disease that people can’t handle on their own, without the help of others. As the former Sheriff of McCracken County, I support the work of Lifeline. This organization provides a supportive environment with individualized care and compassion to meet the needs of each client. They address the underlying issues related to the recovery process so that he or she may successfully rediscover the balance with their family and the community. The rewards gained from the client’s transformation from addiction to recovery are immeasurable to the community. Without this recovery process, the downward spiral within the family becomes a crisis not only to them but the community as well.
Lifeline has truly been just that for so many men, a lifeline. Often during addiction there comes the moment when we ask, "How did I get here? How did I lose everything?" That first drink or that first injection or first pill was not taken with the intent to destroy your life. For so many of the men who have been blessed by either being ordered, by the judge, or selected by the selection committee to participate in the residential program there has been presented to them the opportunity to change the path they have been walking. Christ is the center of everything at Lifeline. If you have the opportunity to attend the recognition banquet, you will truly be motivated to support this program. My life was changed by seeing the interactions of the people who have reached out to those in need and to those who have reached back and held on to the lifeline offered. You cannot help but be motivated to give of yourself to these people whether it is in prayer, financially or creatively developing new supportive structures. I support this program in our community and thank God for them.
I often have the realization when I am face to face with someone who wants to change his or her life that it will take an overhaul that demands a complete uprooting and change of environment. At that point, I have two options if I am to be faithful to Jesus. I can either support a ministry like Lifeline that offers that environment or I must open my own home.
Most of us know our region has a substance abuse problem, but few know about the answer. As a pastor, Lifeline enables us to be part of the answer. Lifeline is on the front lines of the battle against addiction and life-controlling substances in our region. Partnering with them enables our church family to provide real help, to real people, who experience a real victory.
Lifeline really is just that, a lifeline for people who need a helping hand to overcome the darkest point in their lives. When they show up in court in support of someone charged with a drug offense it is a powerful thing for everyone involved. When a person finds themselves in a courtroom, charged with a drug offense, they aren’t at their best but with the support of Lifeline, they can and do overcome. Their program is an integral part of our community and our judicial system.
I have seen so many people experience life change through Lifeline. I really believe that the reason is that instead of simply focusing on drug and alcohol rehab, Lifeline focuses on all of the underlying spiritual, relational and emotional areas of brokenness that bring about addiction. Through the power of Jesus Christ, people are being holistically redeemed at Lifeline.
Lifeline is a critical part of our caring community by giving hope and opportunity to so many who have turned to addiction in an attempt to numb themselves to personal issues. This organization has improved our area by giving concerned citizens an opportunity to bring our neighbors up from a desperate state to life loving productive citizens.