Volunteer at Lifeline

Volunteer Opportunities
We are delighted in your interest to explore Lifeline volunteer opportunities. Please complete the form below and we will follow up with you.
Volunteer Criteria
Volunteer must be a professing Christian
Lifeline will complete a background check
LIfeline will initially and then occasionally drug screen the volunteer if the volunteer is in recovery
Lifeline will conduct a brief interview with the volunteer
Volunteer Policies
Volunteer Testimony: Doreen Hahn
Three years ago, Doreen came to Lifeline and has since become an invaluable member of Lifeline’s growing family of volunteers and donors.
Her service began after a conversation with Lifeline’s former executive director Terrye Peeler, when Doreen discovered quite a puzzle developing at Lifeline. She describes it:
“Lifeline couldn’t get funding to improve its buildings because its buildings needed too many improvements. Lifeline needed accreditation to bill insurance carriers for providing treatment, but the facilities were too shoddy to pass inspections.”
Doreen knew the best way to tackle the problem was to break it into smaller pieces and address each element individually. She spent hours researching addiction, treatment methods and Lifeline’s processes. She shared her growing knowledge with husband Bruce, also a CPA. Together, they learned the staggering addiction and overdose statistics, studied the unconscionable costs to families and society and brain-stormed ideas to help Lifeline.
Unlike in accounting, however, they found no single, right answer to Lifeline’s funding conundrum.
“During this process, we realized finding a way to fund addiction treatment wasn’t just Terrye’s problem, it’s our problem, it’s our neighbors’ problem, it’s a business problem and it’s a government problem,” she said.
They concluded it was imperative for our community that Lifeline not only survive, but also thrive with broad and diverse support. She helped Lifeline develop a strategic plan and raise community awareness to address the funding and facility challenges.
Today, they continue to support Lifeline with prayer, funding, accounting expertise and moral support for staff and volunteers.
Certainly, her skills and support have blessed Lifeline. However, Doreen said she’s been blessed, too.
“Lifeline blessed me far more than I ever helped them. What started as a way to help a friend solve a problem turned into a series of life-changing events. I thought I was going to help save Lifeline, but they ended up saving me from lukewarm Christianity and from thinking that treating addiction was someone else’s problem.”
From Doreen’s intense involvement at Lifeline, she has seen clearly the reason for its success. “I am firmly convinced that God’s healing hand is the reason for the success of Lifeline,” she said.